Configure NSX home LAB (networking)NSX 4.1 and vSphere 8.0.2

I’m assuming that the OVA is deployed with the basic configuration

For this lab, I will only use one NSX Manager appliance for Production you need to use 3.

And that you logged on NSX manager

Now that the basic is done the fun starts !!

Create  IP pool for the TEP’s

Networking / IP address Pools

Now let’s create an IP pool for the TEP interfaces, in my case I will use the same range for the TEPS of the hosts and edges.

let’s call it a great name !!!


Press set

in my case, I’m going to use IP Ranges but I could use the entire subnet because I will use a different subnet in my other lab for Region B (coming soon).

ADD / Apply / Save

 and that’s it.. we now have an IP pool with a range from to 100 for Tunel End Points.

Add a Compute manager (lab vCenter)

System / Fabric – Compute Managers

Add compute Manager


Accept the certificate 


Now Let’s create the uplink profiles for hosts and Edges

System / Fabric – Profiles / Add profile

I started to define an uplink profile for hosts

VLAN 101 is configured for TEP traffic, leaving the MTU value Blank. because the VDS-defined MTU will be used.


uplink profile for edges:

ADD profile 

Same as for the host profiles: VLAN 101 for transport, MTU will be defined by VDS

for the edges, I’m using Load Balanced Source


The two profiles: 

Create Transport Zones for Overland and VLAN 

System / Fabric – transport zones

Add Transport Zone

We will create two TZ one for OVERLAY the other for VLAN

Overlay TZ


the two transport zones are created

ADD a transport node Profile:

system / Fabric – hosts

Type the name of the profile then press set

Press add, then apply, then save

Next, configure hosts:

System / Fabric – hosts/clusters

Select the cluster and then Configure NSX

Just do: configure NSX

Choose the profile


it will start configuring, after some time !!

Just looking at the details of one of the Transport Nodes:

Now let’s run some basic but important tests to check the TEPS:


esxcfg-vmknic -l 

check my VMKernel nics

vmk10 is one of the Interfaces of the TEP (in the above case vesx01 has two vmkernel interfaces with one IP on each and 53.

In the two images above I tested ping over the TEP network vesx02 and vesx03

I used this syntax on the command

vmkping -I vmk10 -S vxlan -s 8500 -d -c 10

                   int VMK netstack  size        remote tep     ping count

Create Trunk VLAN Segment:

To put our Edge TEPs onto VLAN 101, we need to create a VLAN Trunk segment within NSX.

Select Networking / Segments – Add Segment.

Just type the name, and choose the TZ for VLAN that we already defined in the VLAN since it’s a global trunk I typed 0-4094 but you can limit this to the range of VLANS you want to pass in this TRUNK in my case i want to pass all VLANs.


choose NO

Check the vDS you should have the segment visible there but with N (it’s NSX managed).

Create Region A Edge Node:

The following edge configurations are for lab testing don’t use these sizings in the real world… always check your requirements for edge and use them.

just for LAB, i will use a small deployment

Select System  / Fabric  / Nodes  Edge – Transport Nodes –  Add Edge Node.

Name the node Set Form Factor to Small

Set CPU Reservation priority to Normal and Memory Reservation to 100 and NEXT

set credentials and NEXT  / ALERT the above pic as a typo i didn’t typed just the domain i typed

choose your settings and NEXT in my case, I’m using a resource pool to place the edges and also placing them in my nested VSAN.

I’m using static management IP’s 

press on the management interface and choose your management port group


named the SW (not very important in this setup)

choose your transport zones: in my case two I have previously configured the VLAN and the Overlay TZ, 

choose your edge node uplink profile

For TEP IP i will use the previously configured IP POOL

for the interface  – choose the VLAN segment  choose the segment we previously configured for vlan trunk

apply to the two interfaces


wait for deployment


Now let’s set a second EN to create an Edge Cluster

same stuff as for edge node 1

Keep in mind that on nested virtualization it takes a bit more time for things to happen so edge nodes take a bit more than usual to be at 100%

Ok now that I have the two nodes let’s create a cluster

the next TAB Edge Cluster press ADD EDGE CLUSTER

type the basic information 

you will see on available the two nodes select them and pass them to the right side to Selected


Now we need to create a segment 


This segment will be used by the T0 interfaces to reach outside. I have created a network on VLAN 110 I will use this one for interconnecting with my VYOS router.



Now let’s create a T0 gateway

Networking / Tier-0 Gateways – ADD GATEWAY

in my case I want to test ACTIVE / ACTIVE stateful services i will choose this opinion 

But T0 can be in A/S  A/A and A/A with stateful services.

If you want to follow my guide do so but, like I said you can have  A/S, A/A only stateless services, or A/A Stateful 

In my case I want to have FW and NAT on my T0 and also have an Active / Active deployment in NSX 4.0.1 VMware made this possible I want to test it on my Lab.

Before 4.0.1  if you wanted to have NAT, FW, or any other service that was stateful you need to deploy in Active / Standby.

For more details check VMware documentation.

Configure a T0 in some cases might have many opinions in case will be simple but still with some configurations.

Edge cluster: your edge cluster

Press SAVE and continue with the configuration YES 

Interface and service groups press set

name of the uplink:

 In my case, I only have one Vyos simulating a TOR switch/router connection.

I will have 1 interface for uplink per edge. if i wanted the test to be more real I would configure two vyos two VLANS  and 4 interfaces configured two per edge node.

For only testing, I will have 1 per EN

The EN01 will have ip  connected to the created segment using VLAN 110.


Second uplink EN02


Since we are configuring A/A stateful we need to create and configure interface groups

Please note that in real-life implementations I would configure two uplinks per edge node as an example: en01-uplink-1 en02-uplink-1 , en01-uplink-2, en02-uplink-2

let’s configure it:



In my lab I have previously setup BGP between my FG and my Vyos In the lab I will use BGP in the T0.

If you don’t need Dynamic routing just configure a static route

Now let’s configure BGP


My nsx AS: 65520

set the BGP neighbor config

Notes:  I have already my Vyos configured for BGP with the two ip addresses of EN01 and EN01.

In Another Post, I will show how to configure the vyos for the LAB with BGP

A simple layout of my lab, in another post I will explain in detail my lab setup.

Let’s go back to configure BGP


for now, we have this:

I Got this image from VMware Techzone:

Since I only want to have a single edge node cluster in my lab I will setup the T1 as A/A

Now let’s configure a T1

1- name of the T1 

2 – HA mode in my case A/A

3 – T0 Gateway to connect

4 – Edge Cluster

5 – advertisement



Now let’s go back to 


Create a new segment for my Linux VMS

save  / no

The segment VM is connected to my T1 

now go back to the T0


On route redistribution:

press and add

Now let’s check BGP and VM connectivity

On my lab VYOS : 

show ip bgp 

We can see the two interfaces of the edges nodes and the segment on the T1

I can ping from the vyos my Linux VM on that segment

Now let’s check the Linux vm

I can reach my vyos outside the interface:

I have internet and DNS 

All looks good

I reach the T1 , then goes to the T0 , then the vyos , FG , home router

NSX Topology:


VM and fabric view:

Recap We have configured NSX in terms of Networking with BGP, and also implemented the T0 and T1 in A/A stateful mode.

Also configured an overlay network for servers

Future Posts:

Security configuration with DFW and Gateway FW

NSX Advanced load balancer

Federation between Region A and Region B

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